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Glossary and Acronyms: L

LACy :

Laboratoire de l'Atmosphère et des CYclones (La Réunion). Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR) rassemblant des membres du CNRS, de lUniversité de La Réunion et de la CRC (Cellule de Recherche Cyclone) de Météo-France.

La Niña:

the most common of several names given to a significant decrease in sea surface temperature ("cold events") in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. La Niña is the counterpart to the El Niño "warm event", and its spatial and temporal evolution in the equatorial Pacific is, to a considerable extent, the mirror image of El Niño, although La Niña events tend to be somewhat less regular in their behavior and duration. See also El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), El Niñ, Southern Oscillation.

Latent heat:

amount of energy released or absorbed during a change of state of a substance. In meteorology, the important changes are those of water substance, energy being released to the surrounding air in the changes from vapour to liquid then to solid and absorbed from the air during changing in the opposite sense.


Low Level Clockwise Circulation.