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Glossary an Acronyms: Q

Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO):

an oscillation in the zonal winds of the equatorial stratosphere (between 12N and 12S), having a period that fluctuates between about 24 and 30 months. This oscillation is a manifestation of a downward propagation of winds with alternating sign. The new regime occurs above 30 km, descends about 1 km each month and tapers off below 23 km.
This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation to distinguish it from other atmospheric features that also have spectral peaks near two years.


abbreviation of Quick Scatterometer. QuikSCAT is a polar orbiting satellite from NASA aboard which is the SeaWinds scatterometer. This scatterometer is a microwave radar designed specifically to measure ocean near-surface wind speed and direction by measuring the reflection or scattering effect produced while scanning the surface of the earth from the satellite.