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Glossary and Acronyms: M


Weather radar product derived from volumetric exploration. Maximum raindrops echos are projected on an horizontal plan and on two vertical plans which are directed west-east and north-south.


Man computer Interactive Data Access System. Suite of sophisticated software packages that perform a wide variety of functions with satellite imagery, observational reports, numerical forecasts, and other geophysical data. Those functions include displaying, analyzing, interpreting, acquiring and managing the data. In existence since 1973, MacIDAS was developed at the SSEC (Space Science and Engineering Center) of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Medium-range forecast:

Forecast for a period extending generally from 3 to 10 days from the day of issue.


Model Expected T-Number. (Dvorak technique) The MET is determined by using the 24-old T-number and the past amount of intensity change of the storm.


Meteorological Operational Polar Satellite (EUMETSAT)

Meridian :

(track) : a track in the south to north direction or vice versa. A meridional flow is wind in a meridional direction.

Mesoscale :

dimensions of an atmospheric layer which ranges from a few kilometres to some tens of kilometres horizontally and, vertically, from the ground to the top of the friction layer.


Code for an aviation routine weather report.

Meteor :

Phenomenon observed in the atmosphere or on the surface of the Earth, which consists of a suspension, a precipitation, or a deposit of aqueous or non-aqueous liquid or solid particles, or a phenomenon of the nature of an optical or electrical manifestation.

Meteorological equator:

the annual position of the equatorial trough which lies near 5°N rather than on the geographical equator.


Madden-Julian Oscillation Intra-seasonal oscillation discovered by Madden and Julian (1971-1972).

Moccana :

MOdele Climatologique de Cyclones par ANAlogues. Climatological numerical forecasting Model of cyclones, based on analogues, developed by the Cyclone Research Unit of La Reunion Island.

Moderate tropical storm:

a tropical storm in which the maximum of the average wind speed is estimated to be in the range of 34 to 47 knots (63 to 88 km/h), wind force 8 or 9 in the Beaufort scale. This is the naming stage.


MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. Spectroradiometer on board the satellites Terra and Aqua for the observation of Earth.

Monsoon :

A term whose roots are from the Arabic for "season", it is a seasonal wind reversal. The monsoon has inflow to a surface heat low and an offshore flow from high pressure during the winter when the land cools relative to the ocean. The Indian monsoon is the most prominent but it has been recognized that that monsoon region extends from Southeast Asia to West Africa. The summer monsoon is a vital source of moisture; its arrival, duration, and amount of precipitation modulates the economies of these regions.

Monsoon depression:

over the Southwest Indian Ocean, clockwise circulation developing within the monsoon trough, and characterized by: Most of these monsoon depressions finally develop a persistant centre of deep convection and become classic tropical systems.

Monsoon trough:

Over the south-west Indian Ocean, the monsoon trough describes a broad extended cyclonic wind circulation generated by the convergence of the monsoon flow with the trade winds, during the austral summer.
In the northern hemisphere, trough over the Indian subcontinent during the summer monsoon, oriented northwest to southeast about 500km southwest of the Himalayas.

Mid altitude :

(trough, ridge) : around the 5000 m or the 500 hPa altitude.


Meteosat Second Generation (Satellite).


Minimum Sea Level Pressure.


Maximum Sustained Winds. If nothing is specified, average winds on 1 minute used by American meteorologists.


Maximum Wind Speed.