What is the goal of this trial ? The goal is to evaluate if SIGMET advisories produced by a regional center can be useful for the Meteorological Watch Offices and can therefore contribute to a better implementation of the SIGMET watch
What is the expected contribution of the MWOs During the trial, the MWOs will keep their usual production, using the SIGMET advisories as an aditional source of information, in addition to what they already use (observations, satellite, radar, numerical models...etc). At the end of the trial, the MWOs will have to fill in an evaluation form.
Is it compulsory for a MWO to issue a SIGMET "TEST" if its FIR is affected by a SMA ? NO. The MWO issues a SIGMET only if the information in the advisory is considered relevant.
Where can I find the advisories ? Textual advisories (SMA) are sent over AFTN (header FRAQ41LFPW). Both textual (SMA) and graphical (SMG) advisories are also available on this website http://www.meteo.fr/sigadv.
Will advisories be produced 24/7 ? YES.
As a MWO forecaster, can I contact the Toulouse Regional SIGMET Advisory Center ? Yes, of course ! see the contacts page of this site.