Since 2009, the Med-CORDEX initiative (www.medcordex.eu) proposed a unique framework where the research community makes
use of high-resolution regional atmospheric, land surface, river and oceanic climate models as well as fully-coupled
Regional Climate System Models (RCSM) for increasing the reliability of past and future regional climate information and
understanding the processes that are responsible for the Mediterranean climate variability and trends.
The 6th Med-CORDEX workshop will be held from November 25 to 29, 2019 in Toulouse (France).
More information about Med-CORDEX can be found here.
The workshop is endorsed by CORDEX, MISTRALS, EUCP, Med-CLIVAR, CLIMERI and MedECC.
The 6th Med-CORDEX workshop aims to review the activities of the second phase of Med-CORDEX, including the so-called
baseline runs performed with coupled RCSMs and the 3 CORDEX Flagship Pilot Studies (FPS) proposed by Med-CORDEX
(FPS-convection, FPS-aerosol, FPS-airsea). Emphasis will be put on:
multi-model analysis for past and future climate evolutions |
very-high resolution, convection-permitting climate modelling |
component interactions (atmosphere, land, ocean, aerosol, biogeochemistry, ...) in the
Mediterranean regional climate system |
new ideas and approaches in regional climate modelling |
use of regional climate models to solve key scientific questions for the Mediterranean
region |
user-oriented approaches, data and metadata availability |
Med-CORDEX achievements so far and open challenges for the coming years |
The workshop will be constituted by a series of short talks to review the model and run status, scientific talks in
targeted sessions, working group discussions, coordination actions, side events of Med-CORDEX related projects as well as
breaks for free interactions.
Researchers interested in Med-CORDEX or CORDEX-FPS modelling activities or in regional climate multi-model analyses and
Med-CORDEX data users are welcome.
Load the programme of the workshop.
November 22, 2019
