As for CORDEX, Med-CORDEX is based on the voluntary contributions of the modelling groups. The initiative was launched as
the HyMeX regional climate modelling task team by P. Ruti (ENEA) and S. Somot (CNRM) in 2009 and is currently coordinated
by the Med-CORDEX Steering Committee (S. Somot, E. Coppola, B. Ahrens, G. Sannino, G. Jordà, F. Solmon,
Eight main pillars sustain the Med-CORDEX organisation to date:
1. The emailing list (medcordex@hymex.org) and web site (www.medcordex.eu) |
2. The model output database (www.medcordex.eu) |
3. The strong publication list (www.medcordex.eu) |
4. The multi-model ensemble of coupled RCSM simulations, also called Med-CORDEX baseline runs coordinated by S. Somot
(medcordex@hymex.org) |
5. The CORDEX FPS-convection (https://www.hymex.org/cordexfps-convection/ and cordexfps-convection@hymex.org) coordinated by
E. Coppola and S. Sobolowski as joined Med-/Euro-CORDEX effort. |
6. The CORDEX FPS-aerosol (www.hymex.org/cordexfps-aerosol/ and cordexfps-aerosol@hymex.org) coordinated by F. Solmon and M. Mallet |
7. The CORDEX FPS-airsea (cordexfps-airsea@hymex.org), coordinated by G. Jordà and G. Sannino |
8. The so-called Free Modelling Zone (FMZ) allowing to test new ideas and assess current regional climate modelling protocols |