Centre International de Conférences - Météo-France - Toulouse - France
20th - 24th May 2019

Organisers |
Météo-France is the French national meteorological and climate service responsible for weather forecasting, particularly for severe weather events, to preserve
past climate and study the climate of the future.
To this end, Météo-France manages observation infrastructures, develops numerical weather and climate prediction models, conducts research studies (for example by contributing to the work
of IPCC) and trains future experts in this field. The institution has an intensive computing system. Its update in 2014 has enabled to multiply by 12 the computing power.
The strength of Météo-France resides in this unique approach combining state-of-the-art research and operational expertise. Thus, it can advise the public authorities on meteorological
risks and how to adapt to climate change.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
The French National Centre for Scientific Research is Europe's largest public research institution. It produces knowledge for the benefit of society. With nearly 33,000 employees,
a budget exceeding 3.3 billion euros in 2015 (including a self-generated income of 769 million euros), and offices throughout France, the CNRS is present in all scientific fields
through its 1100 laboratories.
With 20 Nobel laureates and 12 Fields Medal winners, the organization has a long tradition of excellence. It carries out research in mathematics, physics, sciences and technologies,
nuclear and particle physics, Earth sciences and astronomy, chemistry, biological sciences, the humanities and social sciences, engineering and the environment.
Sponsors |
Metek Meteorologische Messtechnik offers a wide range of high-end meteorological instrumentation starting with conventional in-situ sensors and sonic anemometers and a family of
versatile data loggers. Ground based remote sensing techniques provide profiles of wind, temperature, rain rate and cloud droplets in continuous unattended operation.
Radiometer Physics GmbH (RPG) produces high frequency technology and thus offers microwave remote sensing instruments for weather and climate observation. The turnkey systems
are designed for low maintenance network installation and offer modern software interfaces (TCP/IP), visualization, and data formats. Microwave radiometers estimate tropospheric
temperature profiles in all weather conditions, with high resolution in the boundary layer and rapid update cycles. Low power FMCW cloud radars at 35 and 94 GHz observe dynamical
and microphysical processes in the cloud structure to make nowcasting of fog and precipitations more precise. Microwave Scintillometers are a key product for monitoring of water usage.
Leosphere, founded in 2004, is the world leader in ground-based and wind turbine-nacelle mounted Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) equipment for atmospheric observation. The company
designs, develops, manufactures, sells and services turnkey remote-sensing instruments for wind measurement and aerosol characterization.
Leosphere has deployed over a thousand Lidars throughout the world with the same concern for reliability, accuracy, safety, return on investment, and dedication to getting the best
from the wind. The company also provides testing, delivery, training, warranty and maintenance services for all equipment, as well as global customer assistance. Our customers include
national weather services, research agencies, wind developers, turbine manufacturers, utilities, consultants and aviation authorities, as well as universities from all over the world.
Leosphere offers the most complete range of Lidar solutions in the industry.
Exhibitors |