Validation, instrument synergies, and field experiments |
The DACAPO initiative: Linking remote sensing, in-situ observations, and modelling to enhance the understanding of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction.
Patric Seifert
Cross-comparison of cloud liquid water path values derived from observations by two space-borne and one ground-based instrument in Northern Europe.
Vladimir Kostsov
Investigation of Ice Microphysics using Simultaneous Measurements at C- and Ka-Band.
Martin Hagen
Using ultra-light drone (flying wing) for regular tropospheric profiling.
Grégoire Cayez
Validation and operational monitoring of atmospheric products derived from IASI measurements.
Stefan Stapelberg
Cloud detection and cloud base height retrieval using a ground thermal-infrared all sky imager.
Guillaume Roussel
A compact, flexible, and mobile micro pulsed Doppler Lidar.
Paul Schroeder
Profiling of aerosol vertical distribution by mobile on-road measurements in France.
Stephane Victori
Challenges and chances in observing aerosol-cloud interaction in the Arctic with a ship-borne remote sensing supersite.
Hanes Jascha Griesche
Evaluation of a compact water vapor DIAL in humid climate conditions.
Raisa Lehtinen
Combining ground-based differential absorption radar and microwave radiometer observations for improved water vapor profiling in the cloudy atmosphere.
Sabrina Schnitt
Temperature, wind, waves, and turbulence |
Characterizing the subsiding shell of shallow cumulus with Doppler lidar.
Ulrich Loehnert
Application of Parametric Speaker to Wind Profiler/RASS.
Ahoro Adachi
CW wind lidar measurement campaign at Cesar Observatory.
Steven Knoop
Testing the Water Vapor Variance Similarity Relationship in the Interfacial Layer Using Raman Lidar and Radar Wind Profiler Observations with LES.
Dave Turner
Aerosols, clouds and precipitation |
Investigating Raindrop Evaporation, Breakup, and Coalescence in Stratiform Rain.
Christopher Williams
Comparing microphysical cloud properties from remote sensing with cloud parcel; model results.
Jana Preissler
Using combined airborne high spectral resolution and differential absorption lidar and cloud radar measurements for ice cloud characterization.
Martin Hagen
Observation of narrow bands of heavy snow: two rare cases of snowfall impacted by industrial heat rejection in Europe.
Quentin Laffineur