A. Basic elements for the synoptic situation

D = D↓ D↑ Localisation and evolution of the lows.
A = A↓ A↑ Localisation and evolution of the highs.
B+ Situation of the blocking type: high anomaly.
B- Situation of the blocking type: low anomaly.
d Heat lows.
δ Orographic lows.
DHugo Low originating from an ex-tropical cyclone.
DP Polar lows.
Tropical storms.
Tropical depressions.
Low level jets.
Surface or very low levels convergence lines.

B. Synoptic dynamics markers.

Jet stream, upper troposphere maximum wind axis
Area of strong diffluence at the exit.
Area of strong confluence at the entrance.
Latent tropopause anomaly.
Dynamic tropopause anomaly.
Upper troposphere trough.
Moderate easterly waves (shallow, surface-1500 m).
Enhanced easterly waves (deep, surface-3000 m).

C. The bad weather systems.

The surface fronts, in "frontogenesis"
Warm front.
Cold front.
Active occluded fronts
Split cold fronts or "Catafronts"
A front at upper level (about 600 hPa).
Intersection of the front with the surface.
Frontolysing fronts
Warm front.
Cold front.
Almost stationary front.
The pseudo-fronts
Pseudo warm front.
Pseudo cold front.
Pseudo almost stationary.
Pseudo subsident front.

D. Precipitating activity.

Activity of the fronts.
Weak precipitations.
Moderate precipitations
Strong precipitations
Precipitating areas.

E. The areas of strong convection.

Convective activity.
In cold air.
Strongly active depression rear.
Strongly subsident depression rear.
Convection organised in lines.
In warm air.
Strong convective instability area.
Squall lines.
Inter Tropical Convective Zone, active ITCZ.
Inter Tropical Convective Zone, ITCZ with no convective activity .

F. Others.

Sand advection.