A. Basic elements for the synoptic situation
D = D↓ D↑ | Localisation and evolution of the lows. |
A = A↓ A↑ | Localisation and evolution of the highs. |
B+ | Situation of the blocking type: high anomaly. |
B- | Situation of the blocking type: low anomaly. |
d | Heat lows. |
δ | Orographic lows. |
DHugo | Low originating from an ex-tropical cyclone. |
DP | Polar lows. |
Hurricanes. | |
Tropical storms. | |
Tropical depressions. | |
Low level jets. | |
Surface or very low levels convergence lines. | |
B. Synoptic dynamics markers.
Jet stream, upper troposphere maximum wind axis | |
Area of strong diffluence at the exit. | |
Area of strong confluence at the entrance. | |
Latent tropopause anomaly. | |
Dynamic tropopause anomaly. | |
Upper troposphere trough. | |
Moderate easterly waves (shallow, surface-1500 m). | |
Enhanced easterly waves (deep, surface-3000 m). | |
C. The bad weather systems.
The surface fronts, in "frontogenesis"
Warm front. | |
Cold front. | |
Active occluded fronts
Occlusion. | |
Split cold fronts or "Catafronts"
A front at upper level (about 600 hPa). | |
Intersection of the front with the surface. | |
Frontolysing fronts
Warm front. | |
Cold front. | |
Almost stationary front. | |
The pseudo-fronts
Pseudo warm front. | |
Pseudo cold front. | |
Pseudo almost stationary. | |
Pseudo subsident front. | |
D. Precipitating activity.
Activity of the fronts.
Weak precipitations. |
Moderate precipitations . |
Strong precipitations . |
Precipitating areas.
Weak. | |
Moderate. | |
Strong. | |
E. The areas of strong convection.
Convective activity. |
In cold air.
Strongly active depression rear. | |
Strongly subsident depression rear. | |
Convection organised in lines. | |
In warm air.
Strong convective instability area. | |
Squall lines. | |
Inter Tropical Convective Zone, active ITCZ. | |
Inter Tropical Convective Zone, ITCZ with no convective activity . | |
F. Others.
Sand advection. |