Météo France
Daily ground GPS monitoring
  • DATA COVERAGE MAPS : available here

    Type of statistics :

  • Each graph shows, for each observation time H ([H-3h00,H+3h00[ for long cut-off analysis), daily evolution of Zenithal Total Delay (or Atmopsheric Path Delay) observations monitoring from all ground GPS stations. Daily statistics are calculated, on all GPS producer centers or for each GPS producer center which are only used in NWP analysis. On these graphs are plotted :
    • number of observed data (yellow), number of rejected data (blue) and number of gross errors (red)
    • mean and standard-deviation curves of the deviations from first guess before and after bias correction

    Bias correction is aplied for 16 GPS producer centers : LPT, LPTR, METO, METG, GFZ, GOP1, GOPG, ASI, ROBH, KNM3, KNM4, BKG, SGN, SGN1, NOAA and IGE. ZTD observations from these GPS centers are used in NWP analysis. Observations from other centers are blacklisted and no bias correction is applied.

    E-GVAP group ground GPS monitoring is available here.