Météo France
Daily scatterometer monitoring
  • DATA COVERAGE MAPS : available here

    Satellite :

    Statistics :

    Parameter :

  • Each graph shows, for each observation time H ([H-3h00,H+3h00[ for long cut-off analysis), daily evolution of sea surface horizontal wind scatterometer observations monitoring from HY-2B, HY-2C, METOP C and B polar satellites. Daily statistics are calculated for each cell number from wind speed and wind direction parameters. Three type of graphs are available in order to visualize daily statistics for each observation time :
    • colors mosaic of deviation statistics from first-guess and analysis functions of cell number
    • histograms of number of observed data (yellow), number of rejected data (blue) and number of gross errors (red) as well as mean and standard-deviation curves of the deviations from first guess and analysis. These statistics are presented as followed :
      • for each cell number
      • integrated over each cell number