Météo France
Daily GPS satellite monitoring
  • DATA COVERAGE MAPS : available here

    Satellite :

    Type of statistics :

  • Each graph shows, for each observation time H ([H-3h00,H+3h00[ for long cut-off analysis), daily evolution of radio-occultation observations monitoring from the following low earth orbiting satellites : TERRASAR-X, TANDEM-X, PAZ, COSMIC2-E1 to COSMIC2-E6, METOP B, METOP C, SENTINEL-6A, SPIRE, GRACE-C, FY3-D and KOMPSAT 5 Statistics are calculated on all altitude layers or for each altitude layer. Three type of graphs are available in order to visualize daily statistics for each observation time :
    • colors mosaic of deviation statistics from first-guess and analysis functions of altitude layers.
    • histograms of number of observed data (yellow), number of rejected data (blue) and number of gross errors (red) as well as mean and standard-deviation curves of the deviations from first guess and analysis. These statistics are présented as followed :
      • for each altitude layer from ground to 60 km
      • integrated over vertical on all altitude layers
    ECMWF here.
    CMC here.
    DMI here.