Adapting Asian Cities to Climate & Urban Climatic Changes
Edward Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Influence of cities on clouds, precipitation and thunderstorms
Robert Bornstein, Department of Meteorology and Climatology, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA
Urban Meteorological Networks: An urban climatologists panacea?
Dr Lee Chapman
Reader in Climate Resilience
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
College of Life & Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham, UK
Green Infrastructure for Cities
Dr. Andy Coutts
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
School of Earth, Atmosphere & Environment
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
CCMA : Climate change mitigation & adaptation in urban environments |
CCMA 1 : Cities inside climate models & downscaling methods |
Towards understanding the hydro-climatic implications of urbanization in the GFDL global climate and earth system modeling framework.
Dan Li, Program of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, USA
Changes of temperature and humidity in areas of city sprawl under climate change conditions.
Daniel Argueso, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, University of New South Wales, Australia
Modelling the relative impact of land-use change and global climate change on the climate in cities.
Hendrik Wouters, KU Leuven, Belgium
Assessment of three dynamical urban climate downscaling methods
Rafiq Hamdi, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Belgium
CCMA 2 : Climate modeling - methodologies for impacts studies |
Assessing climate change in cities using UrbClim.
Hans Hooyberghs, VITO, Belgium
Investigating the urban climate characteristics of two Hungarian cities with SURFEX/TEB land surface model.
Gabriella Zsebeházi, Hungarian Meteorological Service, Hungary
Near Future Weather Data for Building Energy Simulation in Summer/Winter Seasons in Tokyo Developed by Dynamical Downscaling Method.
Yusuke ARIMA, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Modelling the impact of climate change on heat load increase in Central European cities.
Anita Bokwa,Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
URBAN TOURISM IN SOUTHERN EUROPE: assessing present and future climate conditions.
Raquel Pinto Machete, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal
CCMA 3 : Climate impact studies & adaptation strategies |
Characteristics of heat wave impacts for major cities in the US under current and future climate conditions
Jason Ching, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States of America
Impact of urban form on sunlight availability for urban farming in Asian cities at different latitudes 
Abel Tablada, NUS, Singapore
Impacts of a future city master plan on thermal and wind environments in Vinh city, Vietnam 
Satoru Iizuka, Nagoya University, Japan
Vulnerability to heat waves : impact of urban expansion scenarios on urban heat island and heat stress in Paris (France)
Aude Lemonsu, CNRS/Météo-France, France
CCMA 4 : UHI mitigation strategies I : urban expansion & climate change links |
Bamboo Structures: A perspective for Climate Change Mitigation
Chaaruchandra Korde, GreenBam Solutions, New Delhi; Airef Engineers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India
The Impact of future urbanization on summer climate of Israel 
SHAI KAPLAN, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Urban Climate Adaptation Impacts: A multi-scale assessment to examine modeling robustness 
Matei Georgescu, Arizona State University, United States of America
CCMA 5 : UHI mitigation strategies II : urban planning |
An urban model for analysing thermal effects dependent on spatial parameters
Hungchu Chen, Urban Science and Systems, Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Isfahan's Urban Design Sustainability with Climate During Safavid Period. 
Mehdi Haghighat Bin, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Urban heat islands in the future Hanoi City: Impacts on indoor thermal comfort and cooling load in residential buildings 
Andhang Rakhmat Trihamdani, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Japan
Thermal impact of blue infrastructure: Casestudy Cheonggyecheon, Seoul (Korea) 
Conrad Heinz Philipp, University of South Australia, Australia
Simulating the extent of the moderating influence of green space distribution on future urban climates 
Michael Roth, Klimaat Consulting & Innovation Inc.
CCMA 6 : Urban air pollution mitigation strategies |
A simple technique for improved particle filtration efficiency of vegetation barriers 
Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Capability of urban woody plants to reduce particulate matter contentin Tehran megapolis 
Ramin Erfanian Salim, Green Space organization, Tehran Municipality, Iran, Islamic Republic of; Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Impacts of urban spatial structure on air quality: an integrated modeling approach
Vincent Viguié, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France ; CIRED, Campus du Jardin Tropical, 45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne Cedex
CCMA 7 : UHI mitigation strategies III : watering processes studies |
The implementation of biofiltration systems, rainwater tanks and urban irrigation in a single-layer urban canopy mode
Matthias Demuzere, KU Leuven, Department of Earth and Environment al Sciences, Celestijnenlaan 200E, 3001 Leuven, Belgium; CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, Australia
Impacts of urban heat island mitigation strategies on surface temperatures in downtown Tokyo
Nobumitsu Tsunematsu, Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection, Japan
Watering practices and urban thermal comfort improvement under heat wave conditions 
Maxime Danie,CNRM-GAME / Météo-France, France
The effect of irrigation on air temperature during heatwave conditions
Ashley Mark Broadbent, Monash University
Rain Water Catchment Design Applied to Educational Centers in Mexico 
Jesús Gómez Velázquez, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, Mexico
Passive irrigation of street trees to improve tree health and support urban cooling
Andrew Coutts, Monash University, Australia; CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
CCMA 8 : UHI mitigation strategies IV : vegetation management processes |
The urban tree as a tool to mitigate the urban heat island in Mexico City: a simple phenomenological model
Monica Ballinas, Instituto de Ecología, UNAM, Mexico; Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera, UNAM
Evaluating climate-related ecosystem services of urban tree stands in Szeged (Hungary) 
Ágnes Gulyás, University of Szeged, Hungary
CCMA 9 : UHI mitigation strategies V : vegetation based strategies |
How Do Green Roofs Mitigate the Urban Heat Island Effects under Heat Waves? 
Ting Sun, Tsinghua University, China, People's Republic of
Evaluation of greening scenarios to reduce Paris city vulnerability to future heat waves 
Cécile, Sylvie DE MUNCK, CNRM-GAME,CNRS UMR3589, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, Toulouse, France
Green infrastructure and ecosystem services to tackle climate change in Chilean cities. 
Cristian Henriquez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Evaluation of CO2 Reduction Effects of Buildings with Green Roofs by Using a Coupled Urban-Canopy and Building-Energy Model 
Yujiro Hirano, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan;
Evaluation of greening scenarios to reduce Paris city vulnerability to future heat waves
Cécile De Munck, CNRS/Météo-France, France
TUKUP : Transfer of urban climate knowledge to urban planners |
TUKUP 1 : Public policies and practices |
It’s Not All or Nothing: Partial retreat as a climate adaptive strategy for resilient coasts
Judd Schechtman, New York University, United States of America
Integration of urban climate issues in urban planning : reflections on which are the keys of success 
Julia Hidalgo, LISST/CNRS, France
What motivates urban poor in Bangladesh to adapt with urban ecosystem services and disservices? 
Md Mustafa Saroar, Khulna University, Bangladesh, People's Republic of
The urban heat island in Beirut and transfer of the urban climate knowledge to urban planners 
Noushig Chahe Kaloustian, Université Paris Est Marne La Vallee, Paris, France
Adapting cities to climate Change: a systemic modelling approach 
Vincent Viguié, International Centre for Research on environment and Development
TUKUP 2 : Governance challenges in urban planning and adaptation |
The heat adapted city? A Constellation Analysis of urban governance and planning to tackle heat stress risks in mid-latitude cities
Nicole Mahlkow, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Urban Planning and the Climate issues of Beirut and Hamburg: Comparison or approaches, tools and decision making processes. 
Noushig Chahe Kaloustian, Université Paris Est Marne La Vallee, Paris, France, Lebanon (Lebanese Republic)
A review of studies on the relationship between urban morphology and urban climate towards better urban planning and design in (sub)tropical regions 
Justin CK Ho, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Reasons to adapt to urban heat (in the Netherlands)
Lisette Klok, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The
Capacity for Urban Adaptation to Climate Change: Case Study of Erzurum and Kayseri
Defne Dursun, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
TUKUP 3 : Amendment and development of urban planning regulation |
Urban climate, human behavior and energy consumption : from LCZ mapping to simulation and urban planning (the MapUCE project)
Valéry Masson, Météo-France, France
Enhancing adaptation to climate change in urban environments through brownfield or vacant land 
Gina Cavan, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
How is urban climate taken into account in urban design? Focus on French eco labels of urban design 
Delphine Chouillou, LISST, Université Toulouse 2 le Mirail / CNRS, Toulouse, France
The Assessment Report for Climate Change in Cities (ARC3 -2) Urban Planninng and Design 
Jeffrey Raven, New York Institute of Technology, United States of America
TUKUP 4 : Weather forecasting for city actors |
From Urban Meteorology, Climate and Environment Research to Urban Integrated Services
Alexander Baklanov, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Switzerland
Numerical Weather Prediction System dedicated to Urban Comfort and Safety during the 2015 Pan-American Games in Toronto 
Stéphane Bélair, Recherche en Prevision Numérique, Meteorological Research Division, Environment Canada, Canada
Urban Climate Services in China: Current capabilities and future needs 
C. S. B. Grimmond, Univerisit of Reading, United Kingdom; Shanghai Institute of Meteorolgical
Climate information application for improved planning and management of cities
Chaeyeon Yi, Weather Information Service Engine project of KMA, Korea, Republic of (South Korea);
Summer in the city - High Resolution Modelling and Validation of Urban Weather for Amsterdam 
Reinder Ronda, Wageningen University, Netherlands, The
TUKUP 5 : Indicators and climate maps I : risks & vulnerability |
Method for evaluating the health hazard risk in urban pedestrian space in extremely hot summer conditions based on the total analysis of mesoscale and microscale climates 
Saori Yumino, Tohoku University, Japan
Urban Heat Island measurements and sustainability maps to help access vulnerability and potential mitigation techniques in Birmingham and Auburn-Opelika, Alabama 
Chandana Mitra, Auburn University, United States of America
Spatial analysis for climate vulnerability assessments: How much granularity do we need? 
oyce Ellen Klein-Rosenthal, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, United States of America; Harvard University Center for Population and Development Studies
Study of urban climate as a basis for climate adaptation and urban planning in Chilean cities
Cristian Henríquez, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
TUKUP 6 : Indicators and climate maps II : urban planning |
Preparing urban climate maps using Local Climate Zones (LCZ) methodology to improve communication with urban planners: the case of Tandil city, Argentina 
Natasha Picone, IGEHCS - CONICET/UNCPBA, Argentine Republic
Urban Climate Zoning for Making "Hint Map for Urban Planning"
Kaoru Matsuo, Hiroshima University, Japan
A GIS-based Modelling-Mapping Approach for Fine-Scale Natural Ventilation Evaluation in High Density Cities 
Chao Yuan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America; Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
TUKUP 7 : Warning plans & Decision support tools |
Shukuli Mukangango, Regional Climate Change Support Initiative (RCCSI), Uganda
Water Induced Livelihood Impact and Adaptation Strategy of Farming Households in Manohara River, (Aperi-urban area of Kathmandu, Nepal) 
Hari Bahadur Thapa, Ministry of Energy, Nepal
Assessing the health impact of the Urban Heat Island of Birmingham, UK
Paul Anthony Fisher, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
The Urban Heat Island effect during heatwaves in Melbourne
Cassandra Denise Wilks Rogers, Monash University, Australia; CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
Communicating Climate Change to Urban Planners in the Great Lakes: Cities Impacts and Adaptation Tool 
Evan Sheppard Mallen, University of Michigan Graham Sustainability Institute
Science communication with analysis by stakeholder themselves
Tooru Sugiyama, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan
The CapaCities project: from Concepts to Actions for a Proactive Adaptation of Cities
Marion Bonhomme, ENSA Toulouse - LRA (Laboratoire de Recherche en Architecture), France;
UMEP - An integrated tool for urban climatology and climate-sensitive planning applications
Fredrik Lindberg, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Integration of adaptation to climate change within the design process of urban planning projects : new tool(s) and new methodology(ies) 
Morgane Colombert, Université Paris Est, EIVP, Lab'Urba, EA 3482, France
UCP : Study of urban climate processes |
UCP 1 : UHI characteristics I: link with boundary layer |
A Breath of Fresh Air in Urban Heat Island Studies 
Natalie Theeuwes, Wageningen University, Netherlands, The
Observed Spatial Characteristics of Beijing Urban-Climate Impacts on Summer 
Robert Bornstein, Department of Meteorology and Climatology, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA
An investigation of the dynamic and thermodynamic impacts of urbanization via WRF-LES
XiaoLiang Zhu, State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and Engineering, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Observation and Simulation on the Characteristics of Summer Urban Heat Island in Nanjing, China
Chenggang Wang, Nanjing University of Infromation Science and Technology, China, People's Republic of
Urban heat island in the metropolitan area of São Paulo and the influence of warm and dry air masses during summer 
Flávia Noronha Dutra Ribeiro, University of São Paulo, Brazil
UCP 2 : UHI characteristics II: vertical and horizontal structure |
About the relation between urban topsoil moisture and local air temperature 
Sarah Wiesner, Meteorological Institute, CEN, Universität Hamburg, Germany; Institute of Soil Science, CEN, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Investigating the impact of anthropogenic heat on urban climate using a top-down methodology
Ronny Petrik, University of Hamburg, Germany
Effects of Urban Form and Atmospheric Stability on Local Microclimate 
Patricia Drach, UFRJ, Brazil
Urban Heat Island of Arctic cities
Pavel Konstantinov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Russian Federation
Vertical range of urban ‘heat island’ in Moscow
Mikhail A. Lokoshchenko,Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Russian Federation
Urban Heat Island in the Lyon metropolitan areas.
Julita Diallo-Dudek, University of Lyon, France
UCP 3 : UHI characteristics III : UHI micro-scale variability |
Urban heat island study between different size of towns and cities
Chen-Yi Sun, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, Republic of China
A Simple Statistical Model for Predicting Fine Scale Spatial Temperature Variability in Urban Settings
Brian Lee Vant-Hull, City University of New York, United States of America
Mapping of micro-meteorological conditions using statistical approaches - The example of Stuttgart 
Christine Ketterer, Chair of Meteorology and Climatology, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
Cross-analysis between variability of the urban climate and the landscape heterogeneity at the scale of a neighbourhood for a subgrid parametrization in TEB model 
Julien Le Bras, Météo-France, France
Multilevel Analysis of Spatiotemporal Regime of Air Temperature in Urban and Suburban Landscape (Casestudy: The Town of Olomouc, Czech Republic 
Miroslav VYSOUDIL, Palacky University, Fac. of Sciences, Czech Republic
The heterogeneity of urban thermal environment during summertime as observed by in situ and remotely sensed measurements 
Feng Chen, Sun Yat-sen University, China, People's Republic of
UCP 4 : Observations of surface energy and water balances |
The daytime energy budget of small parks in Mexico City and Lisbon, Portugal, as derived by tree sap-flow measurements and transpiration modeling
Victor L Barradas, Instituto de Ecología, UNAM
Multi-year energy balance and carbon dioxide fluxes over a residential neighborhood in a tropical city 
Matthias Roth, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Micrometeorological impacts of an ephemeral desert city: The Burning Man experiment 
Andrew J. Oliphant, San Francisco State University, United States of America
UCP 5 : Observations of Greenhouse gases fluxes |
Eddy covariance flux towers as urban monitoring systems of greenhouse gases: the Mexico City experience
Erik Velasco, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore
Carbon dioxide flux measurement in the central area of Tokyo 
Tatsuki Hirano, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, National Defense Academy of Japan
Carbon dioxide fluxes of turfgrass species in urban turfs in Hong Kong 
Ling KONG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Net turbulent fluxes of methane and carbon dioxide in the city of Lódz, Poland – comparison of diurnal and seasonal variability 
Wlodzimierz Pawlak, Department of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Lodz, Poland
Seasonal and inter-annual variation of CO2 flux and concentration in Basel 
Michael Schmutz, University of Basel, Switzerland
Quantification of the surface-atmosphere exchange of energy and carbon dioxide of an extensive urban green roof by eddy covariance measurements 
Jannik Heusinger, TU Braunschweig, Germany
UCP 6 : Radiation processes |
Urban-rural differences in longwave radiation –Lódz case study 
Krzysztof Fortuniak, University o Lodz, Poland
Spatial variability, horizontal anisotropy and diurnal evolution of measured infra-red fluxes in a city neighborhood of Toulouse 
Bertrand Carissimo, CEREA, France
Investigation of the effect of different sealed surfaces on local climate and thermal stress 
Erich Mursch-Radlgruber, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
UCP 7 : Air quality in urban boundary layer : processes |
A numerical study of pollutant entrainment in a street network 
Omduth Coceal, University of Reading, United Kingdom; National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, UK
Impact of heat waves (HWs) on air pollution (case study for HWs episode in June-August 2010 in the Kiev city (Ukraine) 
Sergiy Snizhko, Kiev Shevchenko University, Ukraine
A WRF-Chem modelling study to analyse the effect of urban greening and white roofs on urban air quality. 
Joachim Fallmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Beatriz Sanchez, Air Pollution Division, Environmental Department, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
Turbulence and pollutant transport in urban roughness sublayer under stable stratification: a large-eddy simulation 
Xian-Xiang Li, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore
The ClearfLo project – Are sea breezes a mechanism to change the air in London?
Sylvia I Bohnenstengel, Met Office@Reading, Reading, UK; Department of Meteorology, University of Reading
Simulations of Pollutant Dispersal over Nairobi City, Kenya 
George OTIENO, IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre
On the Transport of Chemically Reactive Pollutants over Urban Roughness in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer 
Zhangquan WU, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Jose Luis Santiago, Air Pollution Division, Environmental Department, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
UCP 8 : Influence of mesoscale flows |
High frequency recovering technique of turbulent inflow for LES of urban wind
Hidenori Kawai, Tokyo Institute of technology, Japan
Jorge E. Gonzalez, Department of Mechanical Engineering, City College of New York, CUNY, New York, New York, USA
UCP 9 : Impact of cities on precipitations |
The effect of urban environments on storm evolution through a radar-based climatology of the central United States
Darrel Kingfield, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, University of Oklahoma, United States of America; NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory, United States of America; Dept. of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Oklahoma, United States of America
Impact of urbanization on the Beijing Super-Storm of 21 July 2012 under current and future climatic conditions 
Fei Chen, NCAR, United States of America
Numerical simulation of urban influence on summertime precipitation in Tokyo: How does urban temperature rise affect precipitation? 
Naoko Seino, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan
Modeling of the 26 August 2011 extreme precipitation event over Tokyo with Canada’s subkm-scale Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model 
Stephane Belair, Environment Canada, Canada
Cities & Storms: How Land Use, Settlement Patterns, and the Shapes of Cities Influence Severe Weather
Geoffrey M. Henebry, South Dakota State University, United States of America
Urban Impacts on Regional Rainfall Climatology
Dev Niyogi, Purdue University, United States of America
UCP 10 : Influence of urban vegetation I : urban trees |
Field Observation on Thermal Environment of an Urban Street with Roadside Trees in a Tropical Climate 
Hai Jian Toh, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Effects of Desert Tree Shade and Ground Cover Surface Cover on Human Comfort in an Arid City
Chris Martin, Arizona State University, United States of America
Incorporating Resolved Vegetation in City-Scale Simulations of Urban Micrometeorology and Its Effect on the Energy Balance 
Brian N. Bailey, University of Utah
Weighing whole tree transpiration rate of urban trees and analysis of trees morpho-physiological effects 
Tomoki Kiyono, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Transpiration of urban trees and its impact on nocturnal cooling in Gothenburg, Sweden 
Janina Konarska, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Observed and modelled transpiration cooling from urban trees in Mainz, Germany 
Jenny Lindén, Johannes-Gutenberg University, Department of Geography, Mainz, German
Numerical Evaluation of Heat Budget in Tree Crown Considering the Detailed Structure
Shinichi Kinoshita, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Microclimate regulation potential of different tree species: transmissivity measurements and their application in small-scale radiation modeling in Szeged, Hungary 
Ágnes Gulyás, University of Szeged, Hungary
Long term impact of climate on tree-growth patterns in Paris street trees and its consequences on tree cooling potential: A dendroclimatic approach 
Ambre DAVID, iEES-Paris, Paris, France
UCP 11 : Influence of urban vegetation II : parks & green roofs |
The climatic and bio-climatic impact of a small central city park on the surrounding urban environment during extreme heat events 
Asieh Motazedian, School of Earth Environment and Atmosphere, Monash University, Australia
Influence of urban vegetation. 
Charles REVAUD, med ingenierie, France
Temporal variations of transpiration and latent heat fluxes from isolated linden crowns and lawns in a park at Strasbourg, France 
Jérôme NGAO, UMR 547 PIAF, INRA - U. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Thermal effects of Woody Green Areas in Urban Landscapes in Campinas City, Brazil 
Lucila Chebel Labaki, UNICAMP, Brazil
Leaf area measurements of urban woodlands, parks and trees in Gothenburg, Sweden 
Jenny Klingberg, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
UCP 12 : Flows & dispersion I : pollutant dispersion in urban canopy |
Pollutant Exchange and Breathability in Urban Street Canyons 
Negin Nazarian, University of California, San Diego, United States of America;
Characteristics of scalar dispersion from a continuous area source over a cubical array
Naoki Ikegaya, Kyushu University, Japan
On the exchange velocity in street canyons with tree planting
SILVANA DI SABATINO, Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA) - ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - University of Bologna (IT); RESEAUX S.r.l. - Lecce (IT)
UCP 13 : Flows & dispersion II : effects of atmospheric stability |
Parametric studies of urban morphologies of high density cities and their air ventilation performance under neutral and unstable atmospheric conditions using advanced large-eddy simulations 
Edward Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
>Analysis of spacing of streaky structures within surface layer above real urban 
Ayako YAGI, Japan
Variations in the power-law index with stability and height for wind profiles in the urban boundary layer 
Ryozo Ooka, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Study of Stably Stratified Flows and Ventilation over Idealized Street Canyons using a Single-Layer Hydraulics Model 
Chun-Ho Liu, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
LES analysis on atmospheric dispersion in urban area under various thermal conditions 
Yuto Sakuma, Graduate Student, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
The urban heat island circulation with idealized building clusters by up-scaling CFD model: from buildings scale to city scale 
Xiaoxue Wang, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
UCP 14 : Flows & dispersion III : turbulent and dispersive fluxes in urban canopy |
Large-eddy simulations to characterize the role of turbulent and dispersive production, transport and dissipation of TKE over and within a realistic urban canopy 
Marco Giometto, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
The interaction between roughness turbulence generated by block arrays and wake around large obstacle 
Nurizzatul Atikha Binti Rahmat, Kyushu University, Japan, Japan
GD : Geospatial datasets |
GD 1 : Surface UHI from satellite |
Cities as urban clusters: an empirical and large sample study of urban heat island intensity
Bin Zhou, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany
Directional analyses of UHI intensity over Delhi with respect to variations in vegetation cover in the National Capital Region of India 
Krishan Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, India
The Urban ‘Oasis’: High Resolution Landsat 5TM and ASTER Thermal Imagery Shows the Influence of Water Usage on City-Wide Temperatures in Dubbo, Australia 
Nigel James Tapper, School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University, Australia; CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, Australia
Analysis of the impact of different temporal aggregation techniques of land surface temperature on SUHI indicators and the relationship of surface temperature with population density and night lighting. 
Lech Gawuc, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
GD 2 : Local climate zones I : WUDAPT |
An introduction to the WUDAPT project
Gerald Mills, UCD, Ireland
CENSUS of Cities: LCZ Classification of Cities (Level 0): Workflow and Initial Results from Various Cities 
Benjamin Bechtel, University of Hamburg, Germany
Generating WUDAPT’s Specific Scale-dependent Urban Modeling and Activity Parameters: Collection of Level 1 and Level 2 Data 
Linda See, IIASA, Austria
Demonstrating the Added Value of WUDAPT for Urban Modelling
Johan Feddema, Department of geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, CA
The Portal Component, Strategic Perspectives and Review of Tactical plans for Full Implementation of WUDAPT 
Jason K Ching, UNC, Institute for the Environment, United States of America
Comparison and integration of LCZ classification methods based remote sensing and GIS 
Tamás Gál, University of Szeged, Hungary
GD 3 : Local climate zones II : methodologies and maps |
Exploiting Earth Observation data products for mapping Local Climate Zones
Zina Mitraka, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Greece
Building Local Climate Zones basing on socio-economical and topographic vectorial databases 
GD 4 : Local climate zones III : Inter & Infra-LCZ temperature variability |
Urban Heat Island Study using Local Climate Zones Classification: Nagpur City, India 
Rajashree Shashikant Kotharkar, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Relationship between land use and microclimate based on mobile transect measurements
Kathrin Häb, Computer Graphics and HCI Group, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Estimation of spatial air temperature distribution at sub-mesoclimatic scale using the Local Climate Zone scheme and mobile measurements 
François Leconte, Territorial Division for the Eastern Regions, Cerema, Nancy (France); French Environment and Energy Management Agency, Angers (France); LERMAB, Lorraine University, Nancy (France)
Determining the optimal size of local climate zones for spatial mapping in high-density cities 
Kevin Ka-Lun Lau, School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
A "Local Climate Zone" based approach to urban planning in Colombo, Sri Lanka 
Narein Perera, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Evaluating the urban climate using geo-database – GEOCLIM TOOL
Marjorie Musy, Institut de Recherche en Sciences et Techniques de la Ville - FR CNRS 2488, France; Centre de recherche méthodologique d'architecture - UMR CNRS 1563, France
GD 5 : Urban databases and link with models |
Iain Douglas Stewart, University of Toronto, Canada
Development of fine-scale urban canopy parameters in Guangzhou city and its application in the WRF-Urban model 
Xuemei Wang, Sun Yat-sen University, China, People's Republic of
GENIUS, a methodology to integer building scale data into urban microclimate and energy consumption modelling 
Nathalie Tornay, LRA - Laboratoire Recherche en Architecture, France
Comparison of modelled thermal comfort during a heatwave in Melbourne, Australia 
Stephanie Jeanne Jacobs, Monash University, Australia; CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
H2GIS a spatial database to feed urban climate issues
Erwan Bocher, Atelier SIG, IRSTV FR CNRS 2488, France
Mapping high-resolution urban morphology for urban heat island studies and weather forecasting at intra-urban scale 
J J Attema, Netherlands eScience Center, The; Wageningen University, Netherlands, The
Modeling the impact of future development pathways in Dublin on the urban energy and water balance
Paul John Alexander, Irish Climate Analysis & Research Units, Maynooth University, Ireland
GD 6 : Urban climatology studies I : temperate and cold climate cities |
60 year variability in meteorological and environmental characteristics of the atmosphere in Moscow megalopolis 
Natalia Chubarova, Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University Russian Federation
Urban heat island and inertial effects : analyse from field data to spatial analysis 
Jérémy Bernard, L’UNAM, ENSA Nantes, CERMA/IRSTV , ADEME, France
GD 7 : Urban climatology studies II : tropical and arid climate cities |
Investigating the Effect of Land Use/Land Cover on Urban Surface Temperature in Makurdi, Nigeria 
Bernard Tarza Tyubee, Benue State University, Nigeria
Dalia Nuith Roncancio Rubio, Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Manizales, Colombia
Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Variation of Air Temperature in the Extreme Desert Climate of Doha, Qatar 
M Salim Ferwati, Qatar University, Qatar;
Analysis of observed temperature trends over urban, town and rural areas of Pakistan
Sajjad Hussain SAJJAD, University of Sargodha, Sargodha - PAKISTAN, Pakistan; Laboratoire Image Ville et Environnement, Université de Strasbourg, France
GD 8 : New remote sensing Technology and data |
Spatial Geotechnologies and GIS tools for urban planners applied to the analysis of urban heat island. Case Caracas city, Venezuela.
NOMTM : New observational and modeling techniques and methods to study urban climates |
NOMTM 1 : Urban Canopy parameterizations I : Urban vegetation |
A multi-layer urban canopy mode
l for neighbourhoods with trees 
E. Scott Krayenhoff,
University of British Columbia, Canada
Jorge Gonzalez,
City College of New York, United States of America
The influence of tree crowns on urban thermal effective anisotropy 
James Voogt,
Western University, Canada
VTUF: An urban micro-climate model to assess temperature moderation from increased vegetation and
water in urban canyons 
Kerry Nice,
Monash University, Australia; CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, Australia
Modeling of Urban Vegetation as a Thermal Regulator and Management of Associated Water Resources
for Neighbourhood to City-scale Applications 
Emilie Redon,
Universite de Toulouse, UPS, Me
teo France, CNRM GAME, France
Modelling Radiative Exchange in a Vegetated Urban Street Canyon Model
Duick T. Young,
Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, United Kingdom;
NOMTM 2 : Statistical models |
Wind velocity profile observations for roughness parameterization of real urban surfaces 
Jongyeon Lim,
the University of Tokyo, Japan
Calculation method for outdoor air temper
ature of wooded architectural complex 
Jie Wu,
Guangxi University, China, People's Republic of; South Chi
na University of Technology, China, People's Republic of
An intra-urban nocturnal cooling rate model 
Shiho Onomura,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
An empirical approach to estimate the biogenic components of CO2 flux over different ecosystems
Veronica Bellucco,
University of Sassari, Italy
NOMTM 3 : Computational Fluid Dynamics models |
Thermal stratification and vegetation effects
on the urban microclimate – a CFD case study
Bharathi Boppana,
Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore;
High resolution numerical study of wind, thermal effects and pollution dispersion in urban neighborhoods
in Toulouse and Marseille 
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
NOMTM 4 : Large Eddy Simulation models |
Large eddy simulation and bulk parameterization of momentum and heat transport in urban canopies:
challenges and applications 
Qi Li,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Princeton University, US
Generation of artificial inflow
turbulence including scalar fluctuation for LES based on Cholesky
Tsubasa Okaze,
Tohoku University, Japan
NOMTM 5 : Wind tunnel and scale models |
The stone forest as a small-scale field model for urban climate studies
Kai Wang,
The University of Hong Kong
Coupling of numerical weather prediction models and physical simulations for urban wind environment 
Horia Hangan,
WindEEE Research Institute, Western University, London, ON, Canada
Determining the impact of urban canopy flow on building ventilation rates: an experimental study
Janet Fraser Barlow,
University of Reading, United Kingdom
Dynamics of a street canyon flow from id
ealized field and wind tunnel experiments 
Karin Blackman,
Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
NOMTM 6 : Urban Climate measurement networks |
Climate moderation via green infrastructure – the poten
tial to mitigate the UHI effect in Dar es Salaam
Sarah Jane Lindley,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Juliana Antunes Azevedo,
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Shanghai’s Urban Integrated
Meteorological Observation Network
(SUIMON): case studies of applications 
Jianguo TAN,
Shanghai Institute of Meteorological Science, Shanghai Me
teorological Service, CMA,China, People's Republic of
The Urban Heat Island of a middle-size French city as seen by high-resolution numerical experiments and
in situ measurements – th
e case of Dijon, Burgundy 
Benjamin POHL,
CRC/Biogéosciences, CNRS, France
Urban climate monitoring system suitability for intr
a-urban thermal comfort observations in Novi Sad
(Serbia) – with 2014 examples 
Dragan D Miloševic,
Climatology and Hydrology Research Centre, Faculty
of Science, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Network optimization of urban heat island measure
ments -Effect of reduction of observation points
Tsuyoshi Honjo,
Chiba University, Japan
Challenges and benefits from crowd-sourced atmospheric data for urban climate research using Berlin,Germany, as testbed
Fred Meier,
Chair of Climatology, Department of Ecol
ogy, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
First results of the data acquisition and analysis of microclimate conditions in Barranquilla, Colombia
Estefania Tapias,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
NOMTM 7 : Field campaigns |
Joint analysis of meteorology and
air quality in Helsinki, using air-qu
ality supersites and an observation
Curtis Wood,
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland;
A novel approach for anthropogenic heat flux estimation from space
Nektarios Chrysoulakis,
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Greece;
Land Surface and Climate Change Impacts on Temperature Variation in New York City
Brian Vant-Hull,
NOAA Crest of City College, United States of America;
FluxSAP - A collaborative experimental campaign on water and energy fluxes in urban areas and the relation
with the vegetation : the case of a Nantes district 
Fabrice Rodriguez,
IFSTTAR, GERS/LEE, Bouguenais, France; IRSTV, Nantes
The TERRACES project - A collaborative work to understa
nd the role of vegetative green roof in refreshing
the urban ambiances 
Remy Claverie,
GEMCEA, France;
Amauri Pereira Oliveira,
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil;
NOMTM 8 : New sensors/New methods I: CO2 & mobile measurements |
Using stable carbon and oxygen is
otopes to attribute measured carb
on dioxide emissions in urban
environments to different fuel sources
Andreas Christen,
The University of Britis
h Columbia, Vancouver Canada
A Mobile Sensor Network to Map Car
bon Dioxide across Urban Environments 
Joseph Kang Lee,
Department of Geography / Atmospheric Science Progr
amme, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Evaluating urban climate model simulations with low-cost air temperature measurements
Maja Zuvela-Aloise,
ZAMG, Austria
Innovative observations and analysis of human thermal comfort in Amsterdam
B.G. Heusinkveld,
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Air temperature retrieval from crowd-sourced smar
tphone battery temperatures for Dutch cities and its application in mesoscale model validation
Gert-Jan Steeneveld,
Wageningen University, Net
herlands, The Netherlands
Statistical Partitioning Of
Net Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Over
A Heterogeneous Urban Landscape
Olaf Menzer,
UC Santa Barbara, United States of America
Calculation of the CO2 storage term in an urban en
vironment: results and guid
elines from Central London 
Alex Bjorkegren,
King's College London, United Kingdom
NOMTM 9 : New sensors / New methods II : UBL & UHI |
Mixing height over London: spatio-temporal characteristics observed by Ceilometer networks
Simone Kotthaus,
University of Reading, Department of Meteorology, United Kingdom
New York Metro-Area Boundary Layer Catalogue: Boundary Layer Height and Stability Conditions from
Long-Term Observations 
David Melecio-Vazquez,
The City College of New York, United States of America
Measuring the real-world effects of urban heat island countermeasures: a case study of pavement-watering
Martin Hendel,
Paris City Hall, Water and Sanitation Department, France;
Université Paris Est, EIVP, Lab'Urba, EA 3482; Univ
Paris Diderot, Paris Sorbonne Cité, MSC, UMR 7057, CNRS
NOMTM 10 : Urban Canopy parameterizations II : development & sensitivity |
Interfacing the urban land-atmosphere system with
a coupled UCM-SCM framework: model development
and sensitivity
Zhihua Wang,
Arizona State University, United States of America
Improving the water budget in the ur
ban surface scheme TEB for a better ev
aluation of green infrastructures
for adaptation purposes 
Katia Chancibault,
Adequately and Efficiently Representing H
eat Conduction and Storage for Urban Surfaces 
Mathew Lipson,
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence fo
r Climate System Science; Climate Change Research
Centre; University of New South Wales, Australia
Integration of Urban Microclimate Models
using the QUIC EnvSim GPU Framework 
Peter Willemsen,
University of Minnesota Duluth, United States of America
Sensitivity analysis and optimization of an urban surface energy balance parameterization at a tropical
suburban site 
Suraj Harshan,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Seasonal comparison of three urban land surface schemes in a high-latitude city of Helsinki
Leena Järvi,
University of Helsinki, Finland
Validation of a Lumped Thermal Para
meter Model coupled with an En
ergyPlus Model using BUBBLE Data 
Miguel Martin,
Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates
Modelling anthropogenic heat in urba
n climate models: capturing agency 
Stefan Thor Smith,
University of Reading, United Kingdom
NOMTM 11 : Mesoscale and Numerical Weather prediction models |
Evaluation of building energy use: from the urban to the building scale 
Dasaraden Mauree,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
High resolution Numerical Weather Prediction of
the urban boundary layer – a comparison with
observations for London, UK 
Janet Fraser Barlow,
University of Reading, United Kingdom
Sensitivity of mesoscale models
to scale-dependent UCP inputs 
Marina Neophytou,
University of Cyprus, Cyprus; Swiss Federal In
stitute of Technology, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
On the importance of horizontal turbulent transport in
high resolution mesoscale simulations over cities. 
Alberto Martilli,
Impact of an Urban Land Surface Scheme on Local Cl
imate Simulation for the
Tokyo metropolitan area 
Toshinori Aoyagi,
Meteorological Research Institute, Japan
Simulation of the urban heat
island under the background of
urbanization around Guangzhou
Guang Chen,
South China University of Technology, China,
People's Republic of; Tohoku University,Japan
The Impact of Land Use/Land Cover on WRF Model Pe
rformance in a Sub-Tropical Urban Environment 
Shweta Bhati,
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian
Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Development of a fine-scale numeri
cal weather prediction system for urban areas: Preliminary results 
Shiguang Miao,
Institute of Urban Meteorology, China Me
teorological Administration, Beijing, China
UDC : Urban design with climate |
UDC 1 : Impact of Urban forms on outdoor ventilation |
Natural Ventilation Performance in a High Density Urban Area Based on CFD Numerical Simulations in Dalian 
Fei Guo, architecture and art school,dalian university of tech, China, People's Republic of
Anthropogenic heat contribution to air temperature increase at pedestrian height in Singapore’s high density Central Business District (CBD) 
Daniel Jun Chung Hii, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Urban wind design for Bonifacio’s citadel
Dominique Dias, Urbalterre, France
Preserving Overall Performance of Air Conditioners by Incorporation of Wind- Permeable Floor in Buildings 
Karl An, Division of Environment, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong S. A. R. (China)
UDC 2 : Impact of Urban forms on comfort II : temperate and cold climate cities |
The impact of urban geometry on the radiant environment in outdoor spaces 
Christina Chatzipoulka, Kent School of Architecture, University Of Kent, United Kingdom
Neighbourhood morphology and solar irradiance in relation to urban climate
Nahid Mohajeri, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Climate-Conscious Development of an Urban Area 
Györgyi Baranka, Hungarian Meteorological Service, Hungary
Sensitivity of Perceived Temperature on meteorological variables and urban morphology parameters 
Robert Schoetter, CNRM-GAME, Météo France, Toulouse, France
An evaluation of the effects of heat ray retro-refl
ective film on the outdoor thermal environment using a
radiant analysis method considering directional reflection 
Shinji Yoshida,
University of Fukui, Japan
Creating Urban Cool Islands effects for summer
season in Toulouse new area: urban microclimate
Stéphane Ginestet,
Institut National des Sciences
Appliquées de Toulouse, France
UDC 3 : Impact of Urban forms on comfort I : tropical and arid climate cities |
Evaluation of the effect of densification of the built environment on outdoor thermal comfort in warm-
humid Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 
Erik Johansson, Lund University, Sweden
The role of urban design in enhancing the microclimate and thermal comfort in warm-humid Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania 
Moohammed Wasim YAHIA, Lund University, Sweden
Léa Cristina Lucas de Souza, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, Brazil
Climate-Friendly Urban D
esign Process in Old Towns alongside the
Persian Gulf, Case Study: Bushehr 
Najmeh Motalaei, University of Applied Science, Tehran, Iran
Holistic Method on Performing Microclimate Analyses of an Urban Area in the Tropics
Hii Daniel Jun Chung, National University of Singapore, Singapore
UDC 4 : Impact of Urban forms on comfort III : theoretical studies |
Effects of Different Floor Covering Material
s on Thermal Comfort in Landscape Design Studies 
Mehmet Akif Irmak,
Ataturk University, Turkey
Impact of Urban Morphology on Average Urban Albedo
Xinyan Yang,
the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)
Analysis of human thermal conditions in winter for different urban structures in Erzurum
Ataturk University, Turkey
UDC 5 : Buildings climate and energy consumption III : new models |
Urban Microclimate: A new software development for urban design and planning with urban heat island
Aiko Nakano,
MIT, United States of America
Junliang Cao,
School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering,Harbin
institute of technology, Harbin, People's Republic of
Urban weather generator: a method to predict neighborhood-specific urban temperatures for use in building
energy simulations 
Leslie Norford,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America
UDC 6 : Energy demand at city scale |
Translating the Urban Heat Island effect into power consumption for space-cooling: A case-study of
megacity Delhi, India
Anurag Kandya,
Department of Civil Engineering, Indus University, Ahm
edabad, India; Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian
Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
Sensitivity of electricity consumption to air temperat
ure, air humidity and solar radiation in city-block scale
– Based on 2013 Osaka city observation – 
Yuki Hashimoto,
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Comprehensive validation of a simulation system for simultaneous prediction of urban climate and building
energy demand
Yukihiro Kikegawa,
Meisei University, Japan
pproach to Sustainable Urban Development 
Julie ann Futcher,
Urban Generation, United Kingdom
Could urban climate modelling systems
provide urban planning guidelines in the context of building energy
performance issues?
Laboratoire Image Ville Environnement, Strasbourg-France
UDC 7 : Buildings climate and energy consumption II : temperate and cold climate cities |
EDF R&D EnerBaT, Moret-sur-Loing, France
The urban heat island and its influence on building energy consumption in England and South Korea
Geoffrey John Levermore,
The University of Manchester, School of Me
chanical, Aerospace and Civil Engeineering,United
Kingdom; School of Space Design,
Ulsan College, South Korea;
Assessment of urban cooling strategies impact using a coupled model for urban microclimate and building
energy simulation 
Adrien Gros,
University of La Rochelle, LaSIE FRE CNRS 3474 (France);
Institut de Recherche des Sc
iences et Techniques de la
Ville (France)
Outdoor human comfort and climate change. A case study in the EPFL campus in Lausanne
Silvia Coccolo,
LESO-PB, EPFL, Switzerland
Taking into account building environment in the energy consumption evaluation
Benjamin MORILLE
, IRSTV – FR CNRS 2488, France
Urban Greening and the UHI: Seasonal Trade-offs in
Heating and Cooling Energy Consumption in
Manchester, UK 
Cynthia Pamela Skelhorn,
Qatar Green Building Council, Qatar
Cristobal Lamarca,
Pontificia Universidad católica de Chile, Chile
UDC 8 : Buildings climate and energy consumption I : tropical, continental and arid climate cities |
Impact of increasing the depth of urban street canyons on building heating and cooling loads: Case study of
Tel Aviv, Israel 
Evyatar Erell,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Evaluation of Smart Shading Structures in Mitigating Urba
n Heat Island in a districts of Hot Arid Climate City
(Abu Dhabi) 
Lindita Bande,
Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Climate-responsive resident
ial buildings in India.
Just a drop in the ocean? 
Marco Simonetti,
DENERG, Politecnico of Turin, Italy
Shading effect of Alley Trees a
nd Their Impact on Indoor Comfor 
Flóra Szkordilisz,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Energy and Comfort in School Buildings in the South of Portugal 
Eusébio Zeferino Encarnação da Conceição,
University of Algarve, Portugal
BPH : Bioclimatology and public health |
BPH 1 : Modeling of outdoor microclimate & comfort |
The role of trees in urban thermal comfort and SkyView Factor 
Sevgi Yilmaz, Ataturk University, Turkey
Developments and applications of thermal indices in urban structures by RayMan and SkyHelios model
Andreas Matzarakis, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
Heat-related health impacts associated with the urban heat island and climate change in the West Midlands, UK. 
Clare Helen Heaviside, University of Birmingham; Public Health England
A contribution to the summertime heat improvement in a marathon course by application of radiate and airflow simulation 
Yasunobu Ashie, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Japan
A Multiscaler Thermal Analysis of Urban Playgrounds
Jennifer Vanos, Texas Tech University, United States of America
BPH 2 : Indoor comfort and link with outdoor conditions |
Indoor-outdoor environmental coupling and exposure risk to extreme heat and poor air quality during heat waves 
David J Sailor, Portland State University, United States of America
Effect of urban pollution on indoor air quality in energy-efficient buildings in the UK 
Zhiwen Luo, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Kiyoshi Sasak, Shimizu Corporation, Japan
BPH 3 : Observation/surveys of outdoor comfort |
Thermal comfort conditions of urban spaces in a hot-humid climate of Chiangmai city, Thailand 
Manat Srivanit, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Thailand
Visitor perception of thermal comfort in two contrasting public landscape gardens during extreme heat events 
Cho Kwong Charlie Lam, Monash University, Australia
Impact of urban morphology on microclimatic conditions and outdoor thermal comfort – a study in mixed residential neighbourhood of Chennai, India. 
Outdoor thermal comfort under photovoltaic canopies – a seasonal field study at Arizona State University
Ariane Middel, Arizona State University, United States of America
BPH 4 : Health |
Evaluation of building-scale heat-stress analysis system (BioCAS) based on mortality observation in Seoul 
Kyu Rang KIM, National Institute of Meteorological Research, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
Estimation of DALY loss due to heat stroke and sleep disturbance caused by air temperature rise in Tokyo, Japan 
Tomohiko Ihara, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Inhalation cancer risk assessment in Krasnoyarsk city
Olga Taseiko, Siberian State Aerospace University, Russian Federation
Changing weather factors implication on the prevalence of malaria in Ado-Ekiti, South west, Nigeria. 
Ademola Akinbobola, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
A Field Assessment on Natural Ventilation and Thermal Comfort of Historical District: A case of the Wugoushui Settlement in Taiwan 
Yu chieh Chu, National Cheng kung University, Taiwan, Republic of China
Neonates in Ahmedabad, India during the 2010 heat wave: a climate change adaptation study
Perry Sheffield, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United States of America
BPH 5 : Human perception and new indicators |
Thermal comfort comparison and evaluation in different climates
Lutz Katzschner, UKASS
How to transform the standing man from a box to a cylinder – a modified methodology to calculate mean radiant temperature in models and field studies 
Björn Holmer, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Sweden
Watts in a comfort index: Evaluating pedestrian energy exchange and thermal stress in urban environments 
David Pearlmutter, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Eduardo Kruger, UTFPR, Brazil, Germany
The prediction of outdoor human thermal states in non-uniform thermal loads
Yasuhiro Shimazaki, Okayama Prefectural University, Japan
ID : Interdisciplinarity |
ID 1 : Environmental scholarship and collaborations |
Exploring the changing geography of Urban Climatology: a spatial analysis of scientific production by using IAUC bibliographic data (1999-2012) 
Denis Eckert, LISST/CNRS/University of Toulouse/EHESS, France
Scientific practices within the urban climate research field: « Drastic interdisciplinary » between social and natural sciences 
Géraldine Molina, IRSTV (FR CNRS 2488 – École Centrale de Nantes) - CERMA (ENSAN – UMR CNRS 1563)
ID 2 : Multicriteria environmental perception |
Thermal notations as a design tool: evaluating the thermal comfort of pedestrians moving in spatial sequences 
Carolina Vasilikou, Centre for Architecture and Sustainable Environment, University of Kent, United Kingdom
New qualitative methods to explore thermal perception in urban spaces 
Sanda Lenzholzer, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, Landscape Architecture
Performance standard for tropical outdoors:A proposal in a time of climate change 
Rohinton Emmanuel, Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom
Perception Studies on the Influence of Trees and Greens in Open Spaces for Environmental Quality
Taiwo Aderonke Ewulo, Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria;
Observation of urban climate variability at local scale and comparison with human perception 
Noémie Gaudio, CNRS/Météo-France, France
Influence of urban climate on perception responses in soundwalks: case study Aachen
Margret Sibylle Engel, Institute of Technical Acoustics, Medical Acoustics Group, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Department of Geography, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
A methodological approach to the environmental quantitative assessment of urban parks
Pninit Cohen, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Connecting urban climate and human well-being through the measurement of individually experienced temperatures 
David Hondula, Arizona State University, United States of America