The CIC is run by a team of professionnals devoted purely to organising and supervising events in a friendly atmosphere. The efficient and attentive CIC team will meet even your most specific needs. Secretaries, managers, technical staff and caterers are available for all your logistical requirements.

The Météo-France CIC offers a level of comfort and equipment to match your needs in terms of space, technical facilities (public address system and projection equipment) and reception areas, all at a competitive price.

Informations, booking :
33 (0)5 61 07 80 51/52

A single contact who will handle all organisational aspects for you,

Availability of a CIC stage-technician throughout your event,

A greatly appreciated conference hall with seating for 300 people,

Adjustable meeting rooms (10 to 100 people) with air conditioning and natural lighting,

Bar and reception areas for coffee breaks, cocktail parties, breakfasts, buffets, etc.

A comfortable sitting area where you can relax and talk in private,

Protected, free parking for 160 cars.