1. To provide an overview of regional climate downscaling methods,
their application and evaluation. 2. To improve communication between the impacts, adaptation, and other user
communities and the regional climate downscaling community 3. To discuss the establishment of an international
activity, under the auspices of the WCRP, to help evaluate and improve regional downscaling methods, to foster
collaboration on a more coordinated framework to improve the next generation regional climate change projections,
and to promote standards in dissemination and use of regional downscaling results.
There is an increasing
need for detailed, high-resolution regional information regarding future climate. Such information is needed by
scientists in disciplines that require climate information (e.g. hydrologists), decision- and policy-makers,
and by those assessing climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Although climate change projections
must necessarily be undertaken with global models, such models will never have sufficient spatial detail for
all applications. Constraints on available computing resources will always limit model resolution; therefore,
various techniques have been developed for ‘downscaling’ global climate projections (and shorter-term climate
predictions) and for producing fine-scale regional climate information. These include nested regional climate
models, variable resolution global models, global uniform high-resolution time-slice simulations, statistical
downscaling, and/or combinations of these methods.
At present, there is a need for more information in
order that users are better able to evaluate the adequacy or applicability of these various methods for a
particular problem. The need has also been expressed for a strong coordinated program aimed at evaluating and
improving downscaling methods as well as improving the production of the next generation regional climate
change projections. Experience in the global climate modelling community has shown the immense value of
internationally coordinated model experiments, and the value of the resulting multi-model ensemble in producing
credible climate change information and associated measures of uncertainty. Ensemble results from global coupled
models have been used extensively in the IPCC assessment reports, but similar ensemble results from regional
models or other downscaling methods have not been widely available for most regions of the world. This has
limited the use of downscaling products in climate change impact assessment and adaptation studies.
The first objective of this workshop is to summarize what is already known about the attributes of various
downscaling methods. The second objective is to discuss the extent to which these methods address the needs
of a broad and very inhomogeneous user community. The third objective is to begin discussion of a coordinated
international activity, under the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), that would develop a framework with
the following twofold purpose :provide a framework for the evaluation and intercomparison of regional
downscaling models and methods as well as defining standards for the preparation and dissemination of model
data (perhaps modelled along the lines of the successful series of Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects,
andprovide a framework for the production of a multi-model ensemble of regional climate downscaling
simulations for regions worldwide, which would significantly enhance the contribution of regional dynamical
and statistical downscaling tools to future IPCC assessments. This workshop will be by invitation,
with a combination of invited talks and poster presentations.