Land Surface Analysis SAF - 2010 User workshop CIC meetings

  programme participants abstracts presentations venue  


The main purpose of the LSA SAF is to develop techniques to retrieve parameters related with land, land-atmosphere interactions, and biospheric applications, using data from satellites, with special emphasis on Meteosat and Metop series. The LSA SAF system currently generates and distributes on an operational basis the following products : land surface temperature, albedo, down-welling surface short and long wave fluxes, snow cover, vegetation parameters (FVC, LAI, and FAPAR), evaporation, and a suite of forest fire products.

Please fill the questionnaire and return it to Contact persons.

Call for Papers

  Abstract for verbal presentations,or posters on issues related with :
  • Forest and Vegetation,
  • Carbon and Water Fluxes,
  • Applications for African continent,
  • Earth Radiation Budget.

  • The first two days will be used for presentations, while the last day will be devoted to working group discussions. The working groups are expected to come up with a series of recommendations or guidelines for future research.

    Deadline for submission of abstracts (one page, in english) is 30th September 2010.
    Note that only poster presentations are now possible.

    The official language of the workshop is English.

    Please note that the number of participants is limited.

    A list of hotel reservation is suggested.

    Contact persons : Jean-Louis Roujean and Isabel Trigo

    Further information on the LSA SAF is available at

      © Météo-France - DGT/Service de la Communication