The COST Action CA19109 "MedCyclones - European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate"
(more information) and the European Storm Workshop
series (more information) organize
a joint workshop in Toulouse (France) from Wednesday 28 until Friday 30 June 2023. The event will also involve a Training School from Monday
26 until Friday 30 June, with afternoon activities during the last three days allowing the students to attend the workshop in the morning
and early afternoon. Both workshop and training school will take place at the Centre International de Conférences of Météo-France.
2nd MedCyclones Workshop & 9th European Storm Workshop 28-30 June 2023
The general objectives of the workshop are to present and discuss recent scientific progress in understanding and modelling dynamical processes
and socio-economic impacts of cyclones from weather to climate time scales, in the mid latitudes in general and the Mediterranean in particular.
The European storm workshop series was initiated in 2011 to bring together dynamical meteorologists, climatologists, statisticians, stakeholders and
risk model developers from insurance and engineering consultant companies. These interdisciplinary workshops try to bridge state-of-the-art breakthroughs
in science to practical implementation in risk modeling.
The COST Action CA19109 "MedCyclones" started in 2020 to establish efficient networking between stakeholders, operational weather forecasters and
researchers, which is timely and essential to address both challenges of research coordination and operational implementation of scientific results
into weather and climate services.
This year, the joint workshop aims at better connecting Atlantic and Mediterranean cyclone communities, which in many ways share similar goals.
The workshop programme will consist of oral and poster presentations in plenary but also breakout discussions devoted to promoting collaborations
within and between the communities.
We invite you to submit a short abstract for oral or poster presentations in the broad field of mid latitude and Mediterranean cyclones choosing
one of the following topics:
• Extratropical cyclone dynamics and processes;
• Climate change and variability in the past and future;
• Forecasts and predictions from weather to climate scales;
• Socio-economic impacts and industry applications.
Registration to the workshop is free of charge for all participants. COST Action participants from COST Full/Cooperating Member countries may be
eligible for travel/accommodation reimbursement (for eligibility, please refer to https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA19109). The COST Action MedCyclones
will be able to cover full traveling and accommodation expenses for about 40 participants. Priority will be given to workshop presenters and initiative
leaders, while gender and country balance will be taken into account, as well as participation from ITC countries.
2nd MedCyclones Training School 26-30 June 2023
The Training school is primarily addressed to PhD students, PostDoc and early career investigators as well as professionals and scientists from regional and national meteorological
agencies. It will cover several aspects of Mediterranean cyclones: dynamics, processes, forecasting, predictability and impacts.
Covering the whole five-day period, the training school activities will develop through frontal lectures and practical activities where the students will perform specific analysis in
small groups. Each group will be coached by a tutor and final results will be presented in the form of short talks on the last day of the Training School to trigger discussions and provide
the opportunity to enhance the collaborative spirit and develop new skills. All the students are expected to attend the plenary sessions of the workshop on 28-30 June.
The training school is open to max 30 participants and it is free of charge. Trainees from participating COST Full/Cooperating/Partner member countries
(refer to https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA19109) will be reimbursed for their travel expenses, accommodation and meals (based on COST allowance rates). If a selection of applications
will be needed, gender and country balance will be taken into account.
Please submit your application together with a short CV and a brief cover letter describing your motivation. Trainees will automatically be registered for the workshop. However,
if you intend to present your work during the workshop, please additionally submit a short abstract.
MedCyclones committee |
Emmanouil Flaounas |
Silvio Davolio |
Florian Pantillon |
Platon Patlakas |
Shira Raveh-Rubin |
Assaf Hochman |
Jonilda Kushta |
Samira Khodayar Pardo |
Maria Hatzaki |
Stavros Dafis |
Margarida Liberato |
European Storm committee |
David Stephenson |
Christoph C. Raible |
Len Shaffrey |
Giovanni Leoncini |
Richard Dixon |
Joaquim Pinto |
Local organizing committee |
Florian Pantillon |
Didier Ricard |
Isabelle Varin |
Philippe Caille |
Frédéric Ferry |
Michaël Kreitz |
Jean-Christophe Vincendon |
Philippe Arbogast |