Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative Science Workshop

Centre International de Conférences October 3-5, 2023
Météo-France, Toulouse, France





  CIC meetings
  We are very excited to announce that the 2023 Science Workshop of the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) will be held in Toulouse at Centre International de Conférences of Météo-France, October 3rd -5th, 2023.

CCMI works to improve our understanding of the role of interactions between atmospheric chemistry, radiation and dynamics in the Earth System and, importantly, how these interactions are represented in chemistry-climate models. These processes span a broad vertical region of the atmosphere, with a particular focus on the stratospheric ozone layer and interactions between the stratosphere and troposphere, extending to the surface to include processes affecting tropospheric composition and air quality.

We invite the submission of abstracts on research that falls within the subject areas of interest to the CCMI community. We especially encourage presentations of process-oriented analyses of chemistry-climate models, particularly analysis making use of the most recent set of multi-model experiments organized by CCMI (CCMI-2022) including the stratospheric aerosol injection experiment, and analysis of the effects of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha'apai eruption. In addition to the presentation of scientific results, we will take the opportunity to update the CCMI community on the current state of the project and have discussions on future activities.

Links to the system for abstract submission and registration can be found on this page. The abstract submission deadline has been extended to August 4th, 2023. Cost for in-person attendance of the workshop is set at 250 € and includes coffee breaks and lunches on each day, an icebreaker reception on the first day and a conference dinner on Wednesday evening. We anticipate having an option to participate in the workshop on-line at no cost, though posters presentations will be in-person only.

Thanks to the generosity of our supporting organizations, there is a limited amount of money to support travel for Early Career Researchers (students and people who have completed their Ph.D less than five years ago) and will be preferentially provided to researchers from developing countries. These funds can be used to cover airfare and accommodations, but participants will be expected to cover expenses for ground transportation and food. More information on how to apply for ECR travel support can be found as part of the process to submit an abstract.

The Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) is a joint activity between Future Earth's International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project and the World Climate Research Programme's Stratosphere and troposphere Processes and their Role in Climate (SPARC) project. We thank our sponsoring organizations for their continued support of CCMI. Our sincere thanks to Météo-France for their financial support of the workshop, and the personnel of the Centre International de Conférences and the Local Organizing Committee for their work to bring everything together.
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local organizing committee
CIC secretary

• Scientific committee
theIGAC/SPARC CCMI Scientific Steering Group
• Organizing committee
PhilippeCAILLE Météo-France
BéatriceJOSSE Météo-France
DavidPLUMER ECC Canada
IsabelleVARIN Météo-France

  © Météo-France - Direction de la Communication