Aviation is and remains one of the key infrastructures of our modern world. Even short interruptions can cause economic damage summing up to the Billion-Euro range. As evident
from the past, aviation shows vulnerability with regard to natural hazards. The H-2020 project EUNADICS-AV ("European Natural Disaster Coordination and Information System for
Aviation") supports all stakeholders in the aviation system to obtain fast, coherent and consistent information.
The final meeting of the project will be held over 3 days at the premises of Meteo France in Toulouse:
1st day (Tue 10 Sep) - Project internal workshop |
The EUNADICS-AV project meets internally in order to present and review the activities and achievements towards the objectives of the project.
2nd day (Wed 11 Sep) - Scientific conference |
Project internal and external scientists are invited to submit proposals for presentations for one of the 3 sessions:
1. Observation networks and tailored products for the assessment and warning of hazard events that influence air traffic
2. Model applications that support decision making during hazard events and dissemination of information
3. Optimizing air traffic management during hazard situations and cost impact of operating aircraft (engines) in the "non-hazardous" zones of ash and dust clouds
3rd day (Thu 12 Sep) - Visit of the Airbus facility in Toulouse |
Transport to Airbus facility by a dedicated bus shuttle from Toulouse Arenes station :
- at 09:00 : Pickup in Toulouse Arenes Subway Station - Drop off in Airbus,
- at 12:30 : Pickup in Airbus - Drop off in Toulouse/Blagnac Airport and then in Toulouse Arenes Subway Station.