SURFEX User Workshop 18-20 March 2019
Centre International de Conférences - Météo-France - Toulouse - France

CIC meetings


The second User Workshop will be in Toulouse, France. The SUW2019 will take place at the Meteopole Centre International de Conférences (CIC) from Monday 18th March to Wednesday 20th March.

The main objective of the workshop is to give the users the opportunity to present their activities related to SURFEX and to facilitate communication within the SURFEX community.

The topics that will be covered are many and can be summarized as follows:

  • Processes: study of specific processes related to snow, vegetation, soil, town, lakes, etc.
  • Data assimilation: surface DA of soil moisture, LAI, precipitation, screen variables
  • Coupling: to atmospheric or ocean models for research, nwp or climate
  • Hydrology: study of water resource from regional to global scale, impact of climate change
  • Databases: physiography, lake depths, etc.

  • Contacts
    CIC secretary
    Patrick Le Moigne
    Aaron Boone
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