14th International Meeting
on Statistical Climatology
Centre International de ConférencesJune 24-28, 2019
Météo-France, Toulouse, France


  CIC meetings

The 14th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology (IMSC) will be held in Toulouse on June 24-28, 2019.

These meetings, which have been held roughly every three years since 1979, are organized by independent statisticians, climatologists and atmospheric scientists. They facilitate communication between the climate and statistics communities and promote good statistical practice in climate and atmospheric science.

Contributions are welcome on the following sessions (detailed on the sessions page).
1 Climaterecords: data homogenization, dataset creation, and uncertainty
2 Interactionsof weather and climate with human and natural systems
3 Statisticalissues working with large datasets and model outputs
4 Space-timestatistics for modeling and analyzing climate variability
5 Weather/climatepredictability and forecast evaluation
6 Statisticsfor climate models, ensemble design, uncertainty quantification, model tuning
7 Statisticaland machine learning in climate science
8 Long-termD&A and emergent constraints on future climate projections
9 Attributionand analysis of single weather events
10 Changesin extremes including temperature, hydrologic, and multivariate compound events
11 Extremevalue analysis for climate applications
12 Fromglobal change to regional impacts, downscaling and bias correction

Instructions for presenting authors


Plenary speakers have been allocated a 30-minute time slot. Parallel talks (or "regular oral") have been allocated a 20-minute time slot. These time slots include both the talk and the questions, and it is highly recommended that speakers save 5 minutes for questions. All speakers are requested to upload their presentations before the start of their session. Files should be prepared in pdf, ppt or pptx, and both 4:3 and 16:9 formats are accepted.

Posters should be prepared in A0 portrait format. There is no possibility to print posters on-site. There will be two poster sessions: one on Tuesday afternoon, one on Thursday afternoon. Tuesday's posters can be displayed from Monday morning to Wednesday noon; Thursday's posters can be displayed from Wednesday noon to Friday afternoon. Presenters are requested to stay close to their posters only during their poster session.



Load the programme of the conference.
updated on June 21 

Get thePractical information of the conference.

local organizing committee
CIC secretary

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  © Météo-France - Communication et Documentation Toulouse