Programme |
load the programme
8h45-9h15 |
Registration and coffee |
Introduction |
9h15-9h20 |
Welcome Patrick Le Moigne - MF
9h20-9h35 |
Introduction to the service Semjon Schimanke - SMHI
9h35-10h00 |
Principles of reanalysis Per Undén - SMHI
Products |
10h00-10h15 |
Availability of UERRA-HARMONIE data Semjon Schimanke - SMHI
10h15-10h35 |
Availability of SURFEX-MESCAN data Patrick Le Moigne - MF
10h35-10h50 |
Data access Ludvig Isaksson - SMHI
10h50-11h15 |
Coffee break |
Users applications part I |
11h15-11h30 |
Regional reanalyses applications at Météo-France and further needs
Matthieu Sorel - MF
11h30-11h45 |
Comparison of five global reanalyses for energy applications
Llorenç Lledó - Barcelona supercomputer center
11h45-12h00 |
The Mountain component of the C3S-SIS “European Tourism”: towards pan-European analysis and projections of
natural and managed snow conditions
Marc Pons - Snow and Mountain Research Center of Andorra
12h00-12h30 |
ERA5 global reanalysis, and introduction to the CDS
Cornel Soci - ECMWF - invited
12h30-13h30 |
Lunch break |
Users applications part II |
13h30-13h50 |
Intercomparison of European regional reanalyses Frank Kaspar - DWD - invited
13h50-14h05 |
Use of UERRA reanalysis for seasonal hydrological forecasts François Besson - MF
14h05-14h35 |
User requirements and application examples of European reanalyses
Frank Kaspar - DWD - invited
Open discussion |
14h35-16h00 |
Open discussion |