User workshop on regional reanalysis 20th November 2018
Centre International de Conférences - Météo-France - Toulouse - France

CIC meetings


As part of the Copernicus Climate Change services a regional reanalysis (RRA) is produced for Europe. The RRA is available from 1961 and is updated operationally once a month close to real-time. The horizontal resolution of the RRA is 11km. An additional surface analysis is provided at a resolution of 5.5km. More information regarding the service can be found at:

This workshop will introduce the service and its data. Participating users are very welcome to show their applications of the RRA. Examples of applications are climate services and energy applications. In addition, substantial time of the workshop is scheduled for open discussions with (potential) users to understand their needs in RRA products.

The workshop is free of charge.

Programme load the programme
8h45-9h15 Registration and coffee
9h15-9h20 Welcome
Patrick Le Moigne - MF
9h20-9h35 Introduction to the service
Semjon Schimanke - SMHI
9h35-10h00 Principles of reanalysis
Per Undén - SMHI
10h00-10h15 Availability of UERRA-HARMONIE data
Semjon Schimanke - SMHI
10h15-10h35 Availability of SURFEX-MESCAN data
Patrick Le Moigne - MF
10h35-10h50 Data access
Ludvig Isaksson - SMHI
10h50-11h15 Coffee break
  Users applications part I
11h15-11h30 Regionalreanalyses applications at Météo-France and further needs
Matthieu Sorel - MF
11h30-11h45 Comparison of five global reanalyses for energy applications
Llorenç Lledó - Barcelona supercomputer center
11h45-12h00 TheMountain component of the C3S-SIS “European Tourism”: towards pan-European analysis and projections of natural and managed snow conditions
Marc Pons - Snow and Mountain Research Center of Andorra
12h00-12h30 ERA5global reanalysis, and introduction to the CDS
Cornel Soci - ECMWF - invited
12h30-13h30 Lunch break
  Users applications part II
13h30-13h50 Intercomparison of European regional reanalyses
Frank Kaspar - DWD - invited
13h50-14h05 Useof UERRA reanalysis for seasonal hydrological forecasts
François Besson - MF
14h05-14h35 Userrequirements and application examples of European reanalyses
Frank Kaspar - DWD - invited
  Open discussion
14h35-16h00 Open discussion
CIC secretary
Patrick Le Moigne
  © Météo-France - Direction du Centre de Toulouse / Communication et Documentation