The general goals of SYMET-XII are to review recent developments and emerging trends in meteorological and hydrological education
and training ; stimulate and facilitate the development of a vibrant and robust education and training capacity within the worldwide meteorological and hydrological community and to recommend
possible new avenues for further developments. The objective is to engage the heads of meteorological / hydrological training institutions in discussions on identifying the latest ideas and
approaches in education and training and on addressing the key topics aimed at helping WMO Members to enhance their capacity to meet society's needs for weather, climate, water and related
environmental information and services in order to manage nature's risks.
Load the draft programme

ENM - Météo-France
CIC - Météo-France

conference working group
Jeffrey Wilson, WMO
Patrick Parrish, WMO
François Lalaurette, MF

local organizing committee
François Lalaurette, MF/ENM
Laurent Borrel, MF/ENM
Sylviane Balland, MF/CIC
Isabelle Varin, MF/CIC
Philippe Caille, MF/CIC