An International Conference on Ensemble Methods
in Geophysical Sciences will be held in Toulouse, France, from 12 to 16 November 2012, under the sponsorship of Météo-France,
the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
Bayesian estimation methods, intended at
determining the probability distribution of quantities of interest, conditioned by the available relevant information,
are becoming more and more common in Meteorology and Oceanography, and in all Geophysical Sciences. In particular, ensemble
methods, in which the conditional probability distribution is described by a number of points in state space, have recently
experienced a very rapid and significant development, both as concerns assimilation of observations (ensemble Kalman filter,
ensemble variational assimilation, particle filters) and prediction. The Conference is intended at providing a forum for
discussion and evaluation of ensemble methods, and at identifying new avenues for research and development. The topics to be
discussed at the Conference will bear largely on applications of ensemble methods in Meteorology and Oceanography. But all
domains of Geophysical Sciences will be considered, as well as possibly other domains of application, with expected mutual
benefit for all sides. Participation of experts in all aspects of ensemble methods (theory, algorithmic implementation,
practical applications, evaluation, ...) will be sought.
Invited speakers
Melanie Ades, Reading University, Reading, United Kingdom
Loïk Berre, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
Marc Bocquet, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Champs-sur-Marne, France
Mark Buehner, Environnement Canada, Dorval, Canada
Roberto Buizza, ECMWF, Reading, United Kingdom
Arnaud Doucet, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
Andrew Lorenc, Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom
Tim Palmer, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
Chris Snyder, NCAR, Boulder, USA

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Contact point
Jean Maziejewski
+33 (0) 561 078 451

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