The 7th European Conference on radar in
Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD) will be hosted by Météo France in Toulouse, France, from 25th to 29th June 2012.
The initial intent of ERAD, which has been perpetuated since its first edition in 2000, was to create an open forum
between students, academics, engineers, end users and operational radar operators working with or using weather radars
and weather radar data. The goal of this conference is to facilitate mutual understanding between data producers and
data users and to help young generations of scientists accessing state-of-the-art knowledge on radars. ERAD 2012 intends to
pursue this objective and to help foster creativity, sharing and communication by bringing together all radar communities.
Presentations guidelines
→ oral
→ poster
Notes for exhibitors
→ notes
431 contributions have been received from presenters from forty different countries
Short courses
Three radar short courses will be organized the week-end before the conference :
• Dual-polarimetric radar course Sat. June 23rd, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Toulouse
• Millimeter Wavelength radars Sun. June 24th, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Toulouse
• Short course on radar QPE, QPF and hydrology Sun. June 24th, Grand Hotel de l'Opera, Toulouse
Places are limited ; click here for more information